A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at The Library Bistro.
The Liburger

By the Book
I am a rule follower by nature and the essence of this blog is to review hamburgers. I don’t like them, but they’re often the only safe item on the menu for me. As was the case at The Library. Many of the options were either too fancy for my liking, or contained ingredients that I am allergic to. Luckily, The Library offered The Liburger. The burger arrived slightly charred which I don’t typically like, but this burger was quite tasty. Nestled in a bun that was toasted on the inside, but still soft and springy on the outside, the slightly moist patty was flavored with something (luckily nothing I reacted to later) and was delicious. Unfortunately, the side of fries, so many fries!, was inconsistent. Some with no salt, some with too much salt, and some just right.
Read Me Like a Book

Dan and I have been married a long time and he knows me very well. As we were leaving The Library, having signed for our meal and leaving the check in the library book style check holder, Dan pointed to the bakery next door. It was my birthday after all and I do love my sweets. We booked it to Mr. D’s Gourmet Bake Shop and I ordered two cupcakes, a peanut butter chocolate and a red velvet. Dan was happy with a box of Runts and some Bottlecaps. We drove home in the rain and enjoyed our sweets on the couch watching The Goonies. It was a perfect library day.

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The Library Bistro
Dan’s Review!
Don’t miss a Burger Adventure!